Category: English Worship Songs Lyrics

  • Sons and daughters

    We’ve gathered in this sanctuary,Enrobed in our garments of praise.We join with angels and one another,To give honour to Your Name. We sons and daughters stand before You,Offering our sacrifice of praise.So we sing glory, Hallelujah,To the Lord who will forever reign.

  • Son of god you reign

    Son of God, you reign in heaven’s glory,yet you chose to come to earth and save me,humbled yourself to die the cruellest death;no other act of love compares to this. The greatest gift I’ve ever received is the cross, the cross.For there you gave yourself up for me on the cross, the cross.And with the…

  • Son of god proved his love

    Son of God proved His loveThat while we were sinners Jesus died for usNo more shame no more fear Christ the Lord is risen todayThe lamb of God has taken our sins awayLove s redeeming work is doneRaise Your voice the King has overcome Hallelujah hallelujah By His grace long agoOur sins were as scarlet…

  • Somewhere in the darkest

    Somewhere in the darkestnight a strangerhas lost the wayCold wind and a distant lighthas carried his heart awaySome say he was one of usa prodigal gone astrayBut inside he s as cold asice to the truth thathe won t obeyHe won t discernthe point of no return In the last dazethe final hazeThere was strong…

  • Somewhere between the hot and the cold

    Somewhere between the hot and the coldSomewhere between the new and the oldSomewhere between who I am and who I used to beSomewhere in the middle, You’ll find me Somewhere between the wrong and the rightSomewhere between the darkness and the lightSomewhere between who I was and who You’re making meSomewhere in the middle, You’ll…

  • Sometimes life seems

    Sometimes life seems like words and music,That can’t quite become a song,So we cry and sigh, then try again,And wonder what could be wrongBut when we turn to the Lord,At the end of ourselves,Like we’ve done a time or two before,We find His truth is the same,it’s always been,We never will need more. It’s not…

  • Sometimes i wonder what

    Sometimes I wonder whatit is like to beLiving life on theother side please dontMake me feel likeI dont know what is outthere proof is writtenin the sky heywon t you listen tome now it makes nodifference if I wishupon a star the onlyabsolute is that theword of life iswritten on my heartoh I believe yes…

  • Sometimes i wonder if my beating heart

    Sometimes I wonder if my beating heart has a reasonThe thought of breathing only takes my breath awayI ve spent so many nights wrestling with this feelingDo I have the strength to make it through the dayBut I was never meantTo walk this road aloneI can always trust youWhen you say I will carry youBe…

  • Something on the inside

    Something on the InsideWorking on the outsideOh what a change in my lifeOh what a change… my lifeJesus on the inside …..Holy ghost on the Inside …….

  • Something in your eyes

    Something in Your eyesSomething in Your touchSomething in the waythat You draw me back to You. I was born to worship You.I was made to worship You oh Lord. I was born to worship You.I was made to worship You my King. I was born to worship You.I was made to worship You my God.…