Category: English Worship Songs Lyrics

  • Some children see him lily white

    Some children see Him lily whiteThe Baby Jesus born this nightSome children see Him lily whiteWith tresses soft and fairSome children see Him bronzed and brownThe Lord of Heav n to earth come downSome children see Him bronzed and brownWith dark and heavy hairSome children see Him almond eyedThis Savior Whom we kneel besideSome children…

  • Some believe this world is

    Some believe this world isbound to get much betterThey think utopia is justaround the bendThey like humanity to comeup with the answersSo they can keep their headssafely buried in the sand This is my Father s world andHe can fix itOur hopeless band aids areall counterfeit In a perfect worldGod s throne will comeIn a…

  • Soldiers of christ

    Soldiers of Christ, arise,And put your armour on;Strong in the strength which God supplies,Through His eternal Son;Strong in the Lord of hosts,And in His mighty power;Who in the strength of Jesus trustsIs more than conqueror. Stand, then, in His great might,With all His strength endued;And take, to arm you for the fight,The panoply of God.Leave…

  • Softly and tenderly jesus

    Softly and tenderly Jesus is callingcalling for you and for mesee on the portals he s waiting and watchingwatching for you and for me Come home come homeyou who are weary come homeearnestly tenderly Jesus is callingcalling O sinner come home Why should we tarry when Jesus is pleadingpleading for you and for meWhy should…

  • Soften my heart lord

    Soften my heart, Lord,Soften my heart.From all indifferenceSet me apart. To feel Your compassionTo weep with Your tears.Come soften my heart,Oh Lord,Soften my heart. Soften my heart, Lord,Soften my heart.From all indifferenceSet me apart. To feel Your compassionTo weep with Your tears.Come soften my heart,Oh Lord,Soften my heart.

  • So this is how it was

    So this is how it wasA silent night like any otherWhen heaven sent the oneThe one we will call our saviorAnd redemption beginsIn a stable in Bethlehem All of the angels liftedup their voicesAnd filled the night withHallelujah sGod is with us nowEveryone come and join theheavenly chorusOur savior King is herebefore usAll to hear…

  • So send i you to labour

    So send I you to labour unrewarded,to serve unpaid, unloved,unsought, unknown,to bear rebuke, to suffer scornand scoffing,so send I you, to toil for Me alone. So send I you to bind the bruisedand broken,o’er wandering souls to work, toweep, to wake,to bear the burdens of a worldaweary,so send I you, to suffer for My sake.…

  • So my soul longeth after thee

    So my soulLongeth after Thee. As The Deer You alone are myHeart’s desire;And I long toWorship Thee. You alone are my strength,My shield,To You aloneMay my spirit yield. You alone are myHeart’s desireAnd I longTo worship Thee. You’re my friendAnd You are my brotherEven though You are a King. I love youMore than any other,So…

  • So many voices telling me

    So many voices telling mewhich way to goSo many choices come fromthose who think they knowThere s a way that seemsright to a manBut it only brings himdeathI wanna go the way thatleads to lifeTill I draw my dying breath Don t wanna be a manpleaserI wanna be a GodpleaserI just want to have the…

  • So many souls to save

    There are so many souls to save.They’re filling a Christless grave.The bible is warning, God’s spirit is calling.There’s so many souls to save. Out in the dark world alone,Out where the dark billows roll.Oh, they need someone to guide them,Someone to lead them home.