Category: English Worship Songs Lyrics

  • So loving and so true

    So faithfulSo constantSo loving and so trueSo powerful in all You do You fill meYou see meYou know my every moveYou love for me to sing to You I know that You are for meI know that You are for meI know that You will neverForsake me in my weakness And I know that You…

  • So i gladly bow my knees

    So I gladly bow my kneesbefore my KingOffering all I have togive is what I bringJesus You are greaterthan this world of sinYou have made a way forme to enter in All honorAll gloryTo the Lamb of God JesusWe live for You SaviorYou come to ransom usYou ransom us When I pass through watersdeep I…

  • So glad im yours lord

    So glad I’m yours, Lord,So glad I’m yours.So glad your mercy has followed me.So glad you found me and set me freeSo glad I’m yours, Lord, so glad I’m yours.

  • So fearfully and wonderfully made

    So fearfully and wonderfully madeHow could they say there is no GodReminded every breath that I takeIts by Your hand I have been formedSo what am I going to do with this life You gave meWhat could I do but live for Your praise You gave me this breathAnd You gave me this strengthAnd every…

  • Smell the burning powder

    Smell the burning powderThere s danger in the airA voice from deep insideis telling you you must bewareThen enemy is watchingEvery step you takeTo find his opportunityin every choice you make And it s no gameWhen someone lives without His graceAnd who s to blameWhen it blows up in their face It s a mine…

  • Sit on your throne

    Sit on Your throne, O Lord,Within my heart,Take full control of my life, I pray,Reign over me, reign over me.From Your throne, O Lord,Within my heart,Reign over me, reign in me.From Your throne, O Lord, Within my heart

  • Sinners jesus will receive

    Sinners Jesus will receive!Sound this word of grace to allwho the heavenly pathway leave,all who linger, all who fall! Sing it o‟er and o‟er again,Christ receiveth sinful men;make the message clear and plain,Christ receiveth sinful men. Come and He will give you rest;trust Him for His word is plain;He will take the sinfulest;Christ receiveth sinful…

  • Sinner how thy heart

    Sinner, how thy heart is troubled!God is coming very near;do not hide thy deep emotion,do not check that falling tear. Oh, be saved, His grace is free!Oh, be saved, He died for thee!Oh, be saved, He died for thee! Art thou waiting till the morrowThou may‟st never see its light;come at once! accept His mercy:He…

  • Sing shout clap your hands

    Sing, shout, clap your hands,Give praise unto your Maker,Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.Sing, shout, clap your hands,Give praise unto your Maker,For the Lord, He is Almighty God. This is the day of celebration,This is the day to rejoice,REJOICE!The Lord, our God, is our Deliverer,so let’s just praise His name

  • Sing with all the saints in glory

    Sing with all the saints in glory,sing the resurrection song!Death and sorrow, earth’s dark story,to the former days belong.All around the clouds are breaking,soon the storms of time shall cease;In God’s likeness we, awaking,know the everlasting peace. O what glory, far exceedingall that eye has yet perceived!Holiest hearts, for ages pleading,never that full joy conceived.God…