Category: English Worship Songs Lyrics

  • Sing we the king

    Sing we the King who is coming to reign;glory to Jesus the Lamb that was slain;life and salvation His empire shall bring,joy to the nations, when Jesus is King. Come, let us sing praise to our King,Jesus, our King, Jesus our King;this is our song, who to Jesus belongglory to Jesus, to Jesus our King.…

  • Sing we of the blessed mother

    Sing we of the blessed Motherwho received the angel’s word,And obedient to the summonsbore in love the infant Lord;Sing we of the joys of Mary atwhose breast the child was fedWho is Son of God eternal andthe everlasting Bread. Sing we, too, of Mary’s sorrows,of the sword that pierced her through,When beneath the cross of…

  • Sing we now of christmas

    Sing we now of ChristmasSing we all NoelOf the Lord and SaviorWe the tidings tellSing we NoelFor Christ the King is bornSing we NoelFor Christ the Lord is bornAngels from on highMay shepherds come and seeHe s born in BethlehamA blessed familyGlory to GodFor Christ our King is bornGlory to GodFor Christ our Lord is…

  • Sing unto the lord a new song

    Sing unto the Lord a new songSing unto the Lord all the earthThe Lord is greatGreatly to be praised (2)

  • Sing to the mountains

    Sing to the mountains,sing to the sea.Raise your voices,lift your hearts.This is the daythe Lord has made.Let all the earth rejoice. I will give thanks to you, my Lord.You have answered my plea.You have saved my soul from death.You are my strength and song. Holy, holy,holy Lord.Heaven and earthare full of your glory. This is…

  • Sing them over again

    Sing them over again to me,wonderful words of life!Let me more of their beauty see,wonderful words of life!Words of life and beauty,teach me faith and duty. Beautiful words! wonderful words!Wonderful words of life!Beautiful words! wonderful words!Wonderful words of life Christ, the Blessed One, gives to allwonderful words of life!Sinner, list to the loving call,wonderful words…

  • Sing the wondrous love of jesus

    Sing the wondrous love of Jesus,sing His mercy and His grace;in the mansions, bright and blessed,He‟ll prepare for us a place. When we all get to heaven,what a day of rejoicing that will be!When all see Jesus,we‟ll sing and shout the victory. While we walk the pilgrim pathway,clouds will over-spread the sky;but when travelling days…

  • Sing praise to god who reigns above

    Sing praise to God who reigns above,The God of all creation,The God of pow’r, the God of love,The God of our salvation. With healing balm my soul He fills,And every faithless murmur stills:To God all praise and glory! What God’s almighty pow’r hath madeHis gracious mercy keepeth,By morning glow or evening shadeHis watchful eye ne’er…

  • Sing out the lord is near

    Sing out the Lord is nearBuild Him a temple hereA palace of praiseA throne of thanksgivingMade for the King of king. Sing out a joyful songHis love goes on and onWhen praises aboundHis glory surrounds usFilling His temple hereSing out the Lord is near.

  • Sing of mary pure and lowly

    Sing of Mary, pure and lowly,Virgin mother undefiled,Sing of God’s own Son most holy,who became her little child.Fairest child of fairest mother,God the Lord who came to earth,Word made flesh, our very brother,takes our nature by his birth. Sing of Jesus, son of Mary,in the home at Nazareth.Toil and labor cannot weary,love enduring unto death.Constant…