Category: English Worship Songs Lyrics
Sing my soul her praises due
Sing, my soul, her praises due.All her feasts, her actions worshipWith the heart’s devotion true.Lost in wond’ring contemplation,Be her Majesty confess’d.Call her Mother, call her Virgin,Happy Mother, Virgin blest. She is mighty to deliver.Call her, trust her lovingly.When the tempest rages round thee,She will calm the troubled sea.Gifts of heaven she has given,Noble Lady, to…
Sing hallelujah to the lord
Sing Hallelujah to the Lord (2)Sing HallelujahSing Hallelujah to the Lord Jesus is coming back again (2)Jesus is coming backJesus is coming back again Jesus is still the King of Kings (2)Jesus is still the KingJesus is still the King of Kings
Sing for joy in the lord
Sing for joy in the Lord,O ye righteous onesSing for joy in the Lord,O ye righteous ones Sing to Him a new song,Let your heart rejoice in Him,O magnify the Lord with me,Let us exalt His name together,O magnify the Lord with me,Let us exalt His name. Sing for joy in the Lord,O ye righteous…
Sing a song of celebration
Sing a song of celebration,lift up a shout of praise,For the bridegroom will come, the Glorious One!And oh, we will look on His face,We’ll go to a much better place Dance with all your might,Lift up your hands and clap for joy,The time’s drawing near,When He will appearAnd oh, we will stand by his side,A…
Sing a new song unto the lord
Sing a new song unto the Lord;let your song be sung from mountains high.Sing a new song unto the Lord, singing alleluia. Yahweh’s people dance for joy.O come before the Lord,and play for him on glad tambourines,and let your trumpet sound. Rise, O children, from your sleep;your Savior now has come.He has turned your sorrow…
Since i started for the kingdom
Since I started for the Kingdom,since my life He controls,since I gave my heart to Jesus,the longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows. The longer I serve Him the sweeter He grows,the more that I love Him, more love He bestows;each day is like heaven, my heart overflows,the longer I serve Him the sweeter…
Since i saw my name
Since I saw my name in the Book o Redemption.Since I saw my name in the Book.I have communion now with Christ myRedeemer.Since I saw my name in the Book.
Since christ my soul
Since Christ my soul from sin set free,this world has been a heaven to me;amid earth‟s sorrows and its woe,„This heaven my Jesus here to know. O hallelujah, yes, „This heaven!„This heaven to know my sins forgiven;on land or sea, what matters where,where Jesus is, „This heaven there. Once heaven seemed a far-off place,till Jesus…
Sin and its ways grow old
Sin and its ways grow oldAll of my heart turns to stoneAnd I m left with no strength to ariseHow you need to be lifted high Sin and its ways lead to painLeft here with hurt and with shameSo no longer will I leave your sideJesus You be lifted high You be lifted highYou be…
Simply trusting every day
Simply trusting every day,trusting through a stormy way;even when my faith is small,trusting Jesus, that is all. Trusting as the moments fly;trusting as the days go by;trusting Him whate‟er befall;trusting Jesus, that is all. Brightly doth His Spirit shineinto this poor heart of mine.While He leads I cannot fall;trusting Jesus, that is all. Singing if…