Category: English Worship Songs Lyrics
She asked him for forever
She asked him for foreverAnd a promise that would lastHe said Babe you know I love youBut I can t commit to thatShe said Love isn t loveTill You give it awayA father lived in silenceSaw his son become a manThere was a distance felt between themCause he could not understandThat love isn t loveTill…
Shall we gather at river
Shall we gather at the river,Where bright angel feet have trod, With itscrystal tide forever,Flowing by the throne of God Yes, we’ll gather at the river,The beautiful, the beautiful river;Gather with the saints at the riverThat flows by the throne of God. On the bosom of the river, Where theSaviour-King we own,We shall meet and…
Send the flood tides
Send the flood-tides of Thy blessing!Pour exhaustless draughts of grace;in the spate of heavenly gloryoh, my God, spare me a place.Come around us, o’er us, on us,fill our souls with holy fire,come in glory, stand among us!Oh my soul, to God aspire! Cleanse! Thou mighty flood-tide –cleanse mepurer than the driven snow!Oh the precious blood…
See amid the winters snow
See, amid the winter’s snow,Born for us on earth below,See, the Lamb of God appears,Promised from eternal years. Hail, thou ever-blessèd morn!Hail, redemption’s happy dawn!Sing through all Jerusalem:Christ is born in Bethlehem! Lo, within a manger liesHe who built the starry skies,He who throned in height sublimeSits amid the cherubim. Say, ye holy shepherds, say,What…
See how great
See how great a flame aspires,kindled by a spark of grace!Jesus’ love the nations fires,sets the kingdoms on a blaze.To bring fire on earth He came;kindled in some hearts it is;O that all might catch the flame,all partake the glorious bliss! When He first the work begun,small and feeble was His day;now the word doth…
Search me o god my actions try
Search me, O God! my actions try,and let my life appear,as seen by Thine all-searching eye,to mine my ways make clear. Search all my sense, and know my heart,who only canst make known,and let the deep, the hidden partto me be fully shown. Throw light into the darkened cellswhere passion reigns within;quicken my conscience till…
Scattered words and empty thoughts
Scattered words and empty thoughtsseem to pour from my heartI ve never felt so torn beforeseems I don t know where to startbut it s now that I feel Your grace falls like rainfrom every fingertip washing away my pain I still believe in Your faithfulnessI still believe in Your truthI still believe in Your…
Saviour thy dying love
Saviour, Thy dying loveThou gavest me,nor should I aught withhold,my Lord, from Thee;in love my soul would bow,my heart fulfil its vow,some offering bring Thee now,something for Thee. At the blest mercy-seatpleading for me,my feeble faith looks up,Jesus, to Thee:help me the cross to bear,Thy wondrous love declare,some song to raise, or prayer,something for Thee.…
Saviour my sin stained soul
Saviour, my sin-stained soullongs to be fully wholeand all Thy great salvation see.Haste I to Calvary’s flowthat washes white as snow,Thy blood, so freely shed for me. Long have I vainly triedto stem back nature’s tidethat, surging up, defiles my days.Foul, helpless, all undone,hope in myself is none:yet bring me forth to sing Thy praise!…
Salvation belongs to our god
Salvation belongs to our God!Who sits upon the throneAnd unto the lamb. Praise and glory,Wisdom and thanks,Honor and power and strength,Be to our God, forever and ever! (x4) And we the redeemed shall be strong,In purpose and unityDeclaring aloud… Praise and glory,Wisdom and thanks,Honor and power and strength,Be to our God, forever and ever! (x4)