Category: English Worship Songs Lyrics
Salvation and glory
Salvation and gloryBelong to our GodAnd unto the LambOn the throne; Blessing and honor,Wisdom and powerBe unto God alone.Hallelujah, Glory to the Lamb;Hallelujah to the great I AM. We lift up Your name,O Lord,Worthy the Lamb who was slain,Taking all our pain; We lift up Your name,O Lord,Giving You honor and praiseWith our hands upraisedTo…
Shout with joy to god all the earth
Shout with joy to God all the earth,Sing glory to His name;Tell aloud His marvelous worth,His righteousness proclaim. Glory and honorAnd blessing and powerBe unto the Lord,Come and let us makeHis praise glorious! Glorious! Shout with joy to GodAll the earth,Sing glory to His name;Tell aloud His marvelous worth,His righteousness proclaim. Glory and honorAnd blessing…
Shine on me
Shine on me, Lord, shine on me,Let the light from the Lighthouse shine on me;Shine on me, Lord, shine on me,Let the light from the Lighthouse shine on me.
Shake a friends hand
Shake the hand next to ya Shake a friends hand and sing la la|2Sing la lala la la le luiyala la la la le luiyaha la lal la la le luiyala la la la le le luiyaScratch a friends back……..Squeeze a friends knee…….Give a high five to the guy next to ya……Jesus is a friend,…
Shadows of a different kind
Shadows of a different kindCome and cloud my mindAnd make me wonderAm I still in touch with YouOr could it be my doubtingpoint of viewSeems like only yesterdayI was seeing clearlythrough the hazeNow I find I m not so sureWhen a shadow casts it sdoubt upon my ways Beyond a shadow of a doubtI seem…
Set my spirit free
Set my Spirit free that I might worship Thee,Set my spirit free that I might praise Thy name.Let all bondage go and let deliverance flow,Set my spirit free to worship Thee
Set apart a chosen vessel
Set apart a chosen vesselTo the King of Kings,Set apart for ever severedfrom all earthly things Chosen vessel, empty, weak and smallBearing heaven’s greatest treasureChrist the Lord of all ! Set apart ….to bear the fragranceOf his blessed nameAnd with him to share the sufferingsOf a cross of shame. Set apart with Him to sufferOver…
Set a fire down in my soul
Set a fire down in my soulThat I can t containI can t controlI want more of you GodI want more of you God
Send the gospel of salvation
Send the gospel of salvation,to a world of dying men;tell it out to every nation,’til the Lord shall come again. Go and tell them, go and tell them,Jesus died for sinful men.Go and tell them, go and tell them,He is coming, He is coming,He is coming back again. ‘This the church’s great commission,‘This the Master’s…
Send it this way
Send it this way, Lord, humbly we pray!A mighty revival, send it this way!Remove every hindrance, my spirit set free,that I in revival Thy channel may be. Coming this way, yes, coming this way,a mighty revival is coming this way!Keep on believing, trust and obey;a mighty revival is coming this way.