Category: English Worship Songs Lyrics

  • Savior like a shepherd lead us

    Savior, like a shepherd lead us,Much we need Thy tender care;In Thy pleasant pastures feed us,For our use Thy folds prepare: Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus,Thou hast bought us, Thine we are;Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus,Thou hast bought us, Thine we are. We are Thine; do Thou befriend us,Be the Guardian of our way;Keep Thy flock, from…

  • Savior more than life to me

    Savior more than life to meI am clinging clinging close to TheeLet Thy precious blood appliedKeep me ever ever near Thy side Ev ry day ev ry hourLet me feel thy cleansing powerMay Thy tender love to meBind me closer closer Lord to Thee Throgh this changing world belowLead me gently gently as I goTrusting…

  • Save us o lord carry us back

    Save us, O Lord, carry us back,rouse your power and come.Rescue your people, show usyour face, bring us back. O Shepherd of Israel hear us.Return and we shall be saved.Arise, O Lord, hear our cries,O Lord; bring us back! How long will you hide from your peoplewe long to see your face,give ear to us,…

  • Search me o god

    Search me, O God,And know my heart today;Try me, O Savior,Know my thoughts, I pray. See if there beSome wicked way in me;Cleanse me from sin,And set me free. I praise Thee, Lord,For cleansing me from sin;Fulfill Thy Word,And make me pure within. Fill me with fire,Where I once burned with shame;Grant my desireTo magnify…

  • Good good father

    Oh, I’ve heard a thousand stories of what they think You’re likeBut I’ve heard the tender whisper of love in the dead of nightAnd You tell me that You’re pleased and that I’m never alone You’re a good, good FatherIt’s who You are, it’s who You are, it’s who You areAnd I’m loved by YouIt’s…

  • Our God

    Water You turned into wineOpened the eyes of the blindThere’s no one like youNone like youInto the darkness You shineOut of the ashes we riseThere’s No one like youNone like you Our God is greater, our God is strongerGod You are higher than any otherOur God is Healer, awesome in powerOur God, Our God Into…

  • Good measure pressed down

    Give and it willCome back to youGood measure pressed downShaken together andRunning overGive and it willCome back to youWhen you giveGive to the LordGive in loveGive in faithGive the joy and theSmile on your faceGive as the LordHas given to youHow you give is aReflection of your gratitudeFrom you heartGive your bestGive unto GodAnd you…

  • Good christian men

    Good christian men, rejoiceWith heart and soul and voice;Give ye heed to what we say,Jesus Christ is born today;Ox and ass before Him bow,And He is in the manger now.Christ is born today;Christ is born today! Good Christian men, rejoiceWith heart and soul and voice;Now ye hear of endless bliss,Jesus Christ was born for this:He…

  • Gone from my heart

    Gone from my heart the world with all its charm;now through the blood I‟m saved from sin‟s alarm;down at the cross my heart is bending low,the precious blood of Jesus washes white as snow. I love Him, I love Him, because Hefirst loved me,and purchased my salvation onMount Calvary. Once I was far away, deep…

  • Going to the enemys camp

    Going to the enemys campI am gonna take back what hetook from meHe is under my feet (3)The devil in under my feet