Category: English Worship Songs Lyrics
Going home im going home
Going home, yes, I’m going home,And there’s nothing to hold me here.For I caught a glimpse of my heavenly homePraise God, I am going home.
Gods not dead
God’s not dead, He is alive.God’s not dead, He is alive.God’s not dead, He is alive.I feel Him in my hands,I feel Him in my feet, I feel Him in my feet,I feel Him in my heart,I feel Him all over me.
Gods love is so wonderful
God’s love is so wonderful (3)Oh wonderful loveSo high, you can’t get over it,So deep, you can’t get under it,So wide you can’t get around it,Oh wonderful love The love of Jesus is sweet and wonderful (3)Oh, Oh wonderful love (2) Higher than the skies,Deeper than the ocean, wider than the universe,Oh, Oh wonderful love
Gods in the spot you can like it or not
God’s in the spot you can like it or notSo rip the knob off the volume when you give this a shotAnd raise your hands as the slam starts to thicken the plotOpenin’ eyes to the lies of the enemies’ lotSo run like the wind from the sin of your pastKeep your eyes on the…
God you are my god
God, You are my GodEarnestly I seek You, oh my soulI thirst for YouMy body aches in a dry and weary landI’ve seen You in Your sanctuaryI beheld Your pow’r and shouted gloryMy soul is full, my lips will sing Your praiseLift your voices Let the sound of praise be heardAll the ends of EarthPraise…
God so loved the world
God so loved the worldThat He gaveGod so loved the worldThat he gave his only son Worthy is the Lamb that was slainWorthy is the Lamb that was slain He’s risen from the deadHe is risenHe’s high and lifted upHeaven and earth adore
God rest ye merry gentlemen
God rest ye merry GentlemenLet nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviorWas born on Christmas DayTo save poor souls from Satans powerWhen we were gone astray O its tidings of comfort and joyComfort and joyO its tidings of comfort and joy From God that is our FatherThe blessed angels cameUnto some certain shepherdsWith tidings of the…
God our father lord of all
God our Father Lord of allGreat Creator You hear my callGod our Healer God our StrengthLoving kindness is Your embraceIt is who You are Jesus Friend above all friendsLaid down Your life that I might liveFaithful Shepherd of my soulSavior You have made me wholeIt is who You are oh Holy Spirit ComforterYour eyes are…
God of wonders beyond our galaxy
God of wonders beyond our galaxyYou are Holy HolyUniverse declares your majestyYou are Holy Holy
God of wonders
Lord of all creationOf water, earth and skyThe Heavens are Your tabernacleGlory to the Lord, on high God of wonders beyond our galaxyYou are holy, holyThe universe declares Your majestyYou are holy, holy Lord of Heaven and earthLord of Heaven and earth Early in the morningI will celebrate Your lightWhen I stumble in the darknessI…