Category: English Worship Songs Lyrics

  • God of our fathers

    God of our fathers,Whose almighty handLeads forth in beautyAll the starry band Of shining worldsIn splendor through the skies,Our grateful songsBefore Thy throne arise. Thy love divineHath led us in the past,In this free landBy Thee our lot is cast; Be Thou our Ruler,Guardian, Guide and Stay,Thy Word our law,Thy paths our chosen way. From…

  • God of justice love and mercy

    God of justice love and mercyPour out Your Spirit over usWe are hungry we are thirstyFor the promise of Your kingdom come Let Your kingdom come let Your will be doneLet Your kingdom come as we lift You higherAs we lift You higher Consuming fire burn our hearts forThe things that burn in YoursWe Your…

  • God of grace and god of glory

    God of grace and God of glory,On Thy people pour Thy power;Crown Thine ancient church’s story;Bring her bud to glorious flower.Grant us wisdom,Grant us courage,For the facing of this hour. Lo! the hosts of evil round usScorn Thy Christ, assail His ways!Fears and doubts too long have bound us;Free our hearts to work and praise.Grant…

  • God of glory we exalt your name

    God of glory, we exalt Your name,You who reign in majesty.We lift our hearts to YouAnd we will worship, praise and magnifyYour holy name. In power resplendentYou reign in glory,Eternal King, You reign forever.Your word is mighty,Releasing captives,Your love is gracious,You are my God

  • God of day and god of darkness

    God of day and God of darkness,now we stand before the night.As the shadows stretch and deepen,come and make our darkness bright. All creation still is groaningfor the dawning of your might.When the Sun of peace and justicefills the earth with radiant light. Still the nations curse the darkness,still the rich oppress the poor.Still the…

  • God moves in a mysterious way

    God moves in a mysterious wayhis wonders to perform;he plants his footsteps in the sea,and rides upon the storm.Deep in unfathomable minesof never-failing skill,he treasures up his bright designs,and works his sov’reign will. Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take;the clouds ye so much dreadare big with mercy, and shall breakin blessings on your head. Judge…

  • God made me for himself

    God made me for Himself, to serve Him here,with love‟s pure service and in filial fear;to show His praise, for Him to labour now;then see His glory where the angels bow. All needful grace was mine through His dear Son,whose life and death my full salvation won;the grace that would have strengthened me, and taught;grace…

  • God loved the world of sinners

    God loved the world of sinners, lostand ruined by the Fall;salvation full, at highest cost,He offers free to all. Oh, „twas love, „twas wondrous love,the love of God to me;it brought my Saviour from above,to die on Calvary. E‟en now, by faith, I claim Him mine,the risen Son of God!Redemption by His death I find,and…

  • God leads us along

    In shady, green pastures,so rich and so sweet,God leads His dear children along;Where the water’s cool flowbathes the weary one’s feet,God leads His dear children along. Some through the waters,some through the flood.Some through the fire,but all through the Blood; ome through great sorrow, butGod gives a song,In the night season and all the day…

  • God is working

    God is working His purpose out,As year succeeds to year;God is working His purpose out,And the time is drawing near;Nearer and nearer draws the time,The time that shall surely be,When the earth shall be filledWith the glory of God,As the waters cover the sea. From utmost East to utmost West,Where’er man’s foot hath trod,By the…