Category: English Worship Songs Lyrics
God can do anything anything
God can do anything, anything,Anything, God can do anythingBut fail.He can save, He can keep,He can cleanse and He will.God can do anything but fail. He’s the Alpha and Omega,The Beginning and the End.He’s the fairest of ten thousandTo my soul. God can do anything,anything, anything,God can do anything but fail.
God can do anything
God can do anything,Anything, anything,My God can do anything.He made the earth and all therein,He saved my soul from every sin,My God can do anything.
Go labour on
Go, labour on, spend, and be spent,thy joy to do the Father’s will;it is the way the Master went,should not the servant tread it still Go, labour on; ‘This not for nought,thy earthly loss is heavenly gain;men heed thee, love thee, praise thee not,the Master praises, what are men Men die in darkness at your…
Go to dark gethsemane
Go to dark GethsemaneYou who feel the tempter s pow rYour Redeemer s conflict seeWatch with Him one bitter hourTurn not from His griefs awayLearn of Jesus Christ to pray Follow to the judgment hallView the Lord of life arraignedO the worm wood and the gallO the pangs His soul sustainedShun not suff ring shame…
Go ye therefore
Go ye therefore and teach all nationsGo, Go, GoGo ye therefore and teach all nationsGo, Go, GoBaptizing them in the name of theFather and Son and Holy GhostGo, Go, Go If you love Me really love MeFeed My sheepIf you love Me really love MeFeed My sheepLo, I’ll be with you forever and everuntil the…
God be with you
God be with you till we meet again;by His counsels guide, uphold you;with His sheep securely fold you –God be with you till we meet again. Till we meet, till we meet,till we meet at Jesus‟ feet,till we meet, till we meet,God be with you till we meet again! God be with you till we…
One voice
Father, we ask of You this dayCome and heal our landKnit our hearts togetherThat Your glory might be seen in usAnd the world will know that Jesus Christ is Lord Now is the time for you and ITo join our hearts in praiseThat the name of JesusWill be lifted high above the earthThen the world…
Only by grace
Only by grace can we enter,only by grace can we standNot by our human endeavour,but by the Blood of the LambInto Your presence You call us,You call us to comeInto Your presence You draw us,and now by Your grace we come Lord, if You mark our transgressions,who would standThanks to Your grace we are cleansedby…
Only one life
It matters so little how much you may ownThe places you’ve been or the people you’ve knownFor it all comes to nothing when place at His feetIt’s nothing for Jesus, just memories to keep You may take all the treasures from far away landAnd take all the riches you can hold in your handAnd take…
Open my eyes that I may see
Open my eyes that I may seeglimpses of truth Thou hast for mePlace in my hands the wonderfulkey that shall unclasp and set me freeSilently now I wait for Thee,ready my God, Thy will to seeOpen my eyes, illumine me, Spirit Divine Open my ears that I may hearvoices of truth Thou sendest clearAnd while…