Category: English Worship Songs Lyrics

  • Open our eyes Lord

    Open our eyes, LordWe want to see JesusTo reach out and touch HimAnd say that we love Him Open our ears, LordAnd help us to listenOpen our eyes, LordWe want to see Jesus

  • Open the eyes of my heart

    Open the eyes of my heart, LordOpen the eyes of my heartI want to see You, I want to see You To see You high and lifted upShining in the light of Your gloryPour out Your power and loveAs we sing holy, holy, holy Holy, holy, holyWe cry holy, holy, holyYou are holy, holy, holyI…

  • Pass it on

    It only takes a spark to get a fire goingAnd soon all those around can warm up in its glowingThat’s how it is with God’s loveOnce you’ve experienced itYour spread the love to everyoneYou want to pass it on What a wondrous time is springWhen all the trees are buddingThe birds begin to sing, the…

  • Pass me not o gentle

    Pass me not, o gentle Saviour,hear my humble cryWhile on others Thou art calling,do not pass me by Saviour, Saviour,hear my humble cryWhile on others Thou art calling,do not pass me by Let me at Thy throne of mercy,find a sweet reliefKneeling there in deep contrition,help my unbelief Trusting only in Thy merit,would I seek…

  • People need the Lord

    Every day they pass me by,I can see it in their eyesEmpty people filled with care,headed who knows where On they go through private pain,living fear to fearLaughter hides their silent cries,only Jesus hears People need the Lord, people need the LordAt the end of broken dreams, He’s the open doorPeople need the Lord, people…

  • Precious Lord take my hand

    When my way grows drear,Precious Lord, linger nearWhen my life is almost gone Hear my cry, hear my call,hold my hand lest I fallTake my hand, precious Lord,lead me home Precious Lord, take my hand,lead me on, let me standI am tired, I am weak, I am wornThrough the storm, through the night,lead me on…

  • Rock of Ages

    Rock of Ages, cleft for me,let me hide myself in TheeLet the water and the bloodfrom thy wounded side which flowedBe of sin the double cure,save from wrath and make me pureNot the labours of my handscan fulfil Thy law’s commandsCould my zeal no respite know,could my tears forever flowAll for sin could not atone,Thou…

  • Saviour is born

    Come let us worship, come let us adoreJesus, Messiah, our Saviour is bornCarol His glory and sing His sweet NameOffer a life of thanksgiving and praise Join with the angels proclaiming to earthJoin with the shepherds in awe of His birthJoin all creation rejoicing this mornThe glory of God-become-man has been born Come, let us…

  • Saved to tell others

    We’re saved, saved to tellothers of the Man of Galilee Saved, saved to live dailyfor the Christ of Calvary Saved, saved to invite you toHis salvation free We’re saved, saved, saved byHis blood for all eternity

  • Seek ye first

    Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousnessAnd all these things shall be added unto youAllelu, alleluia Man shall not live by bread alone but by every wordThat proceeds from the mouth of GodAllelu Alleluia Ask and it shall be given unto you, seek and ye shall findKnock and the door shall be…