Category: English Worship Songs Lyrics

  • Speak to my heart

    Speak to my heart, Lord JesusSpeak that my soul may hearSpeak to my heart, Lord JesusCalm ev’ry doubt and fear Speak to my heart, o, speak to my heartSpeak to my heart, I prayYielded and still, seeking Thy willO, speak to my heart today Speak to my heart, Lord JesusPurge me from ev’ry sinSpeak to…

  • Speak o Lord

    Speak, o Lord, as we come to YouTo receive the food of Your Holy WordTake Your truth, plant it deep in usShape and fashion us in Your likenessThat the light of Christ might be seen todayIn our acts of love and our deeds of faithSpeak, o Lord, and fulfil in usAll Your purposes for Your…

  • Spirit of the Living God

    Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on meSpirit of the Living God, fall afresh on meBreak me, melt me, mold me, fill meSpirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me Spirit of the Loving God, move among us allMake us one in heart and mind, make us one in loveHumble, caring, selfless, sharingSpirit…

  • Still

    Hide me now under Your wingsCover me within Your mighty hand When the oceans rise and thunders roarI will soar with You above the stormFather, You are King over the floodI will be still, know You are God Find rest my soul in Christ aloneKnow His power in quietness and trust

  • Stronger

    There is love that came for usHumbled to a sinner’s crossYou broke my shame and sinfulnessYou rose again victorious Faithfulness none can denyThrough the storm and through the fireThere is truth that sets me freeJesus Christ who lives in me You are stronger, You are strongerSin is broken, You have saved meIt is written, Christ…

  • Take my life and let it be

    Take my life and let it beConsecrated, Lord, to TheeTake my moments and my daysLet them flow in endless praise Let them flow in endless praise Take my hands and let them moveAt the impulse of Thy loveTake my feet and let them beSwift and beautiful for Thee Swift and beautiful for Thee Take my…

  • Teach me Thy way

    Teach me Thy way, o Lord, teach me Thy wayThy guiding grace afford, teach me Thy wayHelp me to walk aright, more by faith less by sightLead me with heavenly light, teach me Thy way When I am sad at heart, teach me Thy wayWhen earthly joys depart, teach me Thy wayIn hours of loneliness,…

  • Thanks to God

    Thanks to God for my RedeemerThanks for all Thou dost provideThanks for times now but a mem’ryThanks for Jesus by my sideThanks for pleasant, balmy springtimeThanks for dark and stormy fallThanks for tears by now forgottenThanks for peace within my soul! Thanks for prayers that Thou hast answeredThanks for what Thou dost denyThanks for storms…

  • The Lord is my salvation

    The grace of God has reached for meAnd pulled me from the raging seaAnd I am safe on this solid groundThe Lord is my salvation I will not fear when darkness fallsHis strength will help me scale these wallsI’ll see the dawn of the rising sunThe Lord is my salvation Who is like the Lord…

  • The Potter’s hand

    Beautiful Lord, wonderful SaviourI know for sure all of my days are held in Your handCrafted into Your perfect plan You gently call me into Your presenceGuiding me by Your Holy SpiritTeach me, dear Lord, to live all of my life through Your eyes I’m captured by Your holy callingSet me apart, I know You’re…