Category: English Worship Songs Lyrics

  • We belong to the day

    We belong to the dayTo the day that is to comeWhen the night falls awayAnd our Saviour will returnFor the glory of the King is in our heartsOn that day we will be seen for what we are We belong to the dayLet us journey in the lightPut on faith, put on loveAs our armour…

  • We bow down

    You are Lord of creation and Lord of my lifeLord of the land and the seasYou were Lord of the heavens before there was timeAnd Lord of all lords, You will be We bow down and we worship You, LordWe bow down and we worship You, LordWe bow down and we worship You, LordLord of…

  • We will glorify

    We will glorify the King of kingsWe will glorify the LambWe will glorify the Lord of lordsWho is the great I AMLord Jehovah reigns in majestyWe will bow before His throneWe will worship Him in righteousnessWe will worship Him alone He is Lord of Heaven, Lord of EarthHe is Lord of all who liveHe is…

  • We’re marching to Zion

    Come, we that love the Lord,And let our joys be known;Join in a song with sweet accord,Join in a song with sweet accordAnd thus surround the throne,And thus surround the throne. We’re marching to Zion,Beautiful, beautiful Zion;We’re marching upward to Zion,The beautiful city of God. Let those refuse to sing,Who never knew our God;But children…

  • We’ve a story to tell

    We’ve a story to tell to the nations thatshall turn their hearts to the rightA story of truth and mercy, a story of peace and lightA story of peace and light For the darkness shall turn to dawning,and the dawning to noon-day brightAnd Christ’s Great Kingdom shall come to earth,the Kingdom of Love and Light

  • Were you there

    Were you there when they crucified my LordWere you there when they crucified my LordO, sometimes it causes me to trembe, tremble, tremble!Were you there when they crucified my Lord Were you there when they nailed Him to the treeWere you there when they nailed Him to the treeO, sometimes it causes me to tremble,…

  • What are you doing for Jesus

    What are you doing for Jesus, as you journey through lifeSowing the grain for the harvest or scattering seeds of strife What are you doing, doing for JesusWhat are you doing as the days go byWhat are you doing, doing for JesusWhat are you doing as the days go by What are you doing for…

  • I survey the wondrous cross

    When I survey the wondrous crosson which the Prince of Glory diedMy richest gain I count but lost,and pour contempt on all my pride See, from His head, His hands,His feet, sorrow and love flow mingled downDid e’er such love and sorrow meet,or thorns compose so rich a crown Were the whole realm of nature…

  • When we all get to heaven

    Sing the wondrous love of Jesus,sing His mercy and His graceIn the mansions bright and blessedHe’ll prepare a place for us When we all get to heaven,what a day of rejoicing that will be!When we all see Jesus, we’llsing and shout the victory! While we walk the pilgrim pathway,clouds will overspread the skyBut when trav’ling…

  • Whom shall I fear

    You hear me when I callYou are my morning songThough darkness fills the nightIt cannot hide the lightWhom shall I fear You crush the enemyUnderneath Your feetYou are my sword and shieldThough troubles linger stillWhom shall I fear I know who goes before me, I know who stands behindThe God of angel armies is always…