Category: English Worship Songs Lyrics

  • Fountain of mercies god of love

    Fountain of mercy, god of love,whose gifts all creatures share,the rolling seasons as they moveproclaim thy constant care. when in the bosom of the earththe sower hid the grain,thy goodness marked its secret birth,and sent the early rain. the spring’s sweet influence, lord, was thine,the seasons knew thy call;thou mad’st the summer sun to shine,the…

  • Friend of sinners dies

    He dies! the friend of sinners dies!lo! salem’s daughters weep around;a solemn darkness veils the skies,a sudden trembling shakes the ground. come, saints, and drop a tear or twofor him who groaned beneath your load:he shed a thousand drops for you,a thousand drops of richer blood. here’s love and grief beyond degree:the lord of glory…

  • Friend of the home

    Friend of the home: as when in galileethe mothers brought their little ones to thee,so we, dear lord, would now the children bring,and seek for them the shelter of thy wing. thine are they, by thy love’s eternal claim,thine we baptize them in the threefold name;yet not the sign we trust, lord, but the gracethat…

  • Friendly Beasts

    Jesus, our brother, strong and good,was humbly born in a stable rude,and the friendly beasts around him stood,jesus, our brother, strong and good. “i,” said the donkey, shaggy and brown,“i carried his mother uphill and down,i carried his mother to bethlehem town;i,” said the donkey, shaggy and brown. “i,” said the cow, all white and…

  • From every spire on christmas eve

    From every spire on christmas eve,the christmas bells ring clearly outtheir message of goodwill and peace,with many a call and silver shout.for faithful hearts, the angels’song still echoes in the frosty air,and by the altar low they bow, inadoration and in prayer. a thousand blessed memories throng,the stars are holy signs to them,and from the…

  • From Heaven High O Angels Come

    From heaven high, o angels, come,eya, eya, susani, susani, susani.come music, song, come pipe and drum,alleluia, alleluia.of jesus sing and maria. let every instrument join in,eya, eya, susani, susani, susani.bring lute and harp and violin,alleluia, alleluia.of jesus sing and maria. send forth your voices louder yet,eya, eya, susani, susani, susani.with organ and with flageolet,alleluia, alleluia.of…

  • From highest heaven i come to tell

    From highest heaven i come to tellthe gladdest news that e’er befell;these tidings true to you i bring,and gladly of them say and sing. ‘to you today is given a child,born of a chosen virgin mild; [1]that blessed child, so sweet and kind,shall give you joy and peace of mind. ’tis christ our lord and…

  • From homes of quiet peace

    from homes of quiet peacewe lift up hands of prayer,and those thou gavest us to lovecommend, lord, to thy care. in perils of the seawatch o’er them day by day;in perils of the common lifebe thou their strength and stay. let thine almighty armbe their defense and shield;and whosoever’s cause is thineto them the victory…

  • From lands that see the sun arise

    From lands that see the sun arise,to earth’s remotest boundaries,the virgin born today we sing,the son of mary, christ the king. blest author of this earthly frame,to take a servant’s form he came,that liberating flesh by flesh,whom he had made might live afresh. in that chaste parent’s holy womb,celestial grace hath found its home:and she,…

  • From the Eastern Mountains

    From the eastern mountains, pressing on, they come,wise men in their wisdom, to his humble home;stirred by deep devotion, hasting from afar,ever journeying onward, guided by a star. light of life that shineth ere the worlds began,draw thou near, and lighten every heart of man. there their lord and savior meek and lowly lay,wondrous light…