Category: English Worship Songs Lyrics

  • Eye hath not seen

    They tell me of a land so fair,unseen by mortal eyes,where spring in fadeless beauty blooms,beneath unclouded skies. “eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard,neither hath it entered into the heart of man,the things which god hath prepared for them,prepared for them that love him.” they tell me of a land so fair,where all…

  • Everyone needs a little

    Come all ye weary and ye brokencome to the table of the lordcome sing the song of the forgivencome lay your burden on the word come and find peaceeveryone needs a little resteveryone needs a little joyand a song to sing in the darkest night and life even when it gets you downhope will turn…

  • Every Morning the Red Sun

    Every morning the red sunrises warm and bright;but the evening cometh on,and the dark, cold night.there’s a bright land far away,where ’tis never-ending day. every spring the sweet young flowersopen bright and gay,till the chilly autumn hourswither them away.there’s a land we have not seen,where the trees are always green. little birds sing songs of…

  • Everlasting life

    “Everlasting life!” is the promise giv’n unto themwho love the savior dear.“everlasting life!” and a home in heav’n,if you will believe his name. then believe him! o receive him!blessèd savior, kingly favor.give him ever best endeavor,for with him is everlasting life! “everlasting life!” shout it far and wide,blessèd tidings of salvation free.“everlasting life!” thro’ his…

  • Evening and morning

    Evening and morning, sunset and dawning,wealth, peace and gladness, comfort in sadness,these are thy works; all the glory be thine!times without number, awake or in slumber,thine eye observes us, from danger preserves us,causing thy mercy upon us to shine. father, o hear me, pardon and spare me;calm all my terrors, blot out my errors,that by…

  • Eternal light

    Eternal light! eternal light!how pure the soul must bewhen, placed within thy searching sight,it shrinks not, but with calm delightcan live, and look on thee! the spirits that surround thy thronemay bear the burning bliss;but that is surely theirs alone,since they have never, never knowna fallen world like this. o how shall i, whose native…

  • Eternal Glory of the Sky

    Eternal glory of the sky,blest hope of frail humanity,the father’s sole begotten one,yet born a spotless virgin’s son! uplift us with thine arm of might,and let our hearts rise pure and bright,and, ardent in god’s praises, paythe thanks we owe him every day. the day-star’s rays are glittering clear,and tell that day itself is near:the…

  • Endeavor hymn

    with a strong and glad endeavorlet us rally round the cross,one in heart and zeal foreverseek to save the world from no scant and stinted measurebe our wealth and service giv’n;let no love of ease or pleasurehedge to one the way to heav’n. in the joy of love’s communion,finding motive and reward;strong in purpose,…

  • End of the road

    when i come to the end of the long, long road,the shadows will flee away,and i’ll stand in the glorious light of god,where dwelleth eternal day. when i come to the end, the end of the road,to the land of eternity,when i come to the end of life’s long road,the face of my lord i’ll…

  • Echoes of glory

    “Echoes of glory” are ringingdown thro’ the gates so fair;news of sweet rest they are bringing,to hearts that are weary with care. oh! “echoes of glory”from angels so fair,list to the music,that floats on the air. “echoes of glory” are sweetlycoming to cheer the weak,filling the soul thus completely,with love that the sorrowing seek. “echoes…