God is for us! Thou hast given,
in Thy love, the gift unpriced,
Thine own Son, Thy well-beloved,
Thou hast given us the Christ!
We are for Thee, at Thy service,
yielding all that Thou dost claim,
heeding not the worldling’s scorning,
jealous only for Thy name.
Thou art with us, Thou almighty,
through the darkness, through the strife,
binding up the broken-hearted,
crowning with eternal life.
We are with Thee in Thy warfare,
heart and sword be all Thine own:
we are with Thee in Thy triumph,
joy that earth has never known!
Thou art in us, in Thy temple,
so our hearts in silence thrill
while we wait to hear the whisper
of the blessed Master’s will.
We are in Thee, in the Holiest,
here our prayers and praise ascend;
in Thy secret place abiding,
till the battle din shall end