Speak, Lord, in Thy stillness, while I wait on Thee;
hush my heart to listen in expectancy.
Speak, O blessed Master, in this quiet hour;
let me see Thy face, Lord, feel Thy touch of power.
For the words Thou speakest, they are life indeed;
living bread from heaven, now my spirit feed!
Satiate my being, with Thy fullness fill;
as the dew descending, let Thy speech distil.
All to Thee is yielded, I am not mine own;
blissful, glad surrender, I am Thine alone.
Speak, Thy servant heareth; be not silent, Lord!
Waits my soul upon Thee for the quickening word.
Fill me with the knowledge of Thy glorious will;
all Thine own good pleasure in Thy child fulfil.
Like a watered garden full of fragrance rare,
lingering in Thy presence let my life appear