Thanks to God for my Redeemer
Thanks for all Thou dost provide
Thanks for times now but a mem’ry
Thanks for Jesus by my side
Thanks for pleasant, balmy springtime
Thanks for dark and stormy fall
Thanks for tears by now forgotten
Thanks for peace within my soul!
Thanks for prayers that Thou hast answered
Thanks for what Thou dost deny
Thanks for storms that I have weathered
Thanks for all Thou dost supply
Thanks for pain, and thanks for pleasure
Thanks for comfort in despair
Thanks for grace that none can measure
Thanks for love beyond compare!
Thanks for roses by the wayside
Thanks for thorns their stems contain
Thanks for home and thanks for fireside
Thanks for hope, that sweet refrain
Thanks for joy and thanks for sorrow
Thanks for heav’nly peace with Thee
Thanks for hope in the tomorrow
Thanks through all eternity!